21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

As we celebrate 50 years of ministry, we are being very intentional about seeking God’s favor and direction for the next 50 years. In the short-term, we believe God is calling our church to take another Kingdom hill, both here and around the world. And we know we can do nothing without God’s favor. 

Our leaders are calling each of us to fast and pray daily for our church and its work. We are asking you to sacrifice and get up early six mornings a week to give God an hour of your day in prayer for 21 days. Scripture says that there is power in gathering together to pray, so we hope you will be able to join us. We are also asking you to fast.

join us for prayer

We will be meeting to pray at 7 - 8 a.m Monday - Saturday, March 10 - 29 at the following locations:

  • Henderson Campus: Adult Ministry Center
  • East Campus: Worship Center
  • Downtown: The Corner
  • Effingham Campus: Worship Center
  • Compassion Christian: Compassion Christian Office, 217 Savannah Ave.

But if you are unable to join us in person, set your clock and pray from home. An audio devotional is available daily, Monday - Saturday. You can subscribe to the podcast using the links on the right.

Click here for the daily audio devotional.

what is fasting?

Biblical fasting is to voluntarily give up something that is part of our daily routine in order to draw closer to God. During this time, we pray for something specific.  The purpose of giving up or sacrificing what we want helps us remember to pray and helps us remember that we are serious about what we are asking for in prayer.  All through Scripture, God’s people fasted and prayed when they wanted to draw near to God, hear from Him and seek answers to prayers. 

In the Bible, fasting was always associated with food.  But today, there may be things that are harder to give up than food; things such as television or games or texting or shopping.  Fasting coupled with prayer is the one discipline Jesus promised would bring about supernatural results.  And it is a discipline God assumes all believers practice.

Matthew 6:16 says, “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.”

Listed below are some of the reasons why people in the Bible fasted:

Repentance Jonah 3:5 and Daniel 6:18
When facing danger Ezra 8:21, 23
Courage and wisdom Esther 4:3, 16 and 9:31
In times of grief 1 Samuel 31:13 and 1 Chronicles 10:12
In times of distress 2 Samuel 1:12
Spiritual power Mark 9:29
Ultimate denial of the flesh Matthew 4:2
Wisdom Acts 14:23
Answered prayers Matthew 17:21
Mourning Daniel 10:1-3
Special revelation Exodus 34:27-28
Spiritual recuperation 1 Kings 19:1-9
Set aside self for holiness 1 Corinthians 7:5


why are we fasting?

First, and most importantly, we are fasting to draw closer to God.

We are fasting because we know that there are people in our city who need to know Jesus.  They need to come to a church like our church, but we are out of room and have no place for them to sit on Sunday morning. 

We are fasting because we know that there are children and students in our city who need to know Jesus.  They need to come to a student ministry like ours and a children’s ministry like ours where they will learn about the love of Jesus, but we are out of room.

We are fasting because we know that there are college students and adults and families in our city who need to know Jesus.  They may only be in our city for a short season, but they hear about the love of Jesus and take the Gospel across the world when they leave. To communicate with this highly tech-savvy generation requires excellence and clarity in sound and visual equipment. That’s difficult to achieve when the sound and visual equipment is outdated and unreliable.

We are fasting because we know that there are students in our county who need to know Jesus.  They need to come to a student ministry like ours where they will feel safe and learn about the love of Jesus, but we have no place for them to gather.

We are fasting because we know that in a city where churches regularly come and go, for someone to commit to being part of the body of our church; we must demonstrate we are here to stay.  Now we are moving from one temporary facility to another.  We need a home.

We are fasting because we know that there are children in our world who have never had clean water and who, instead of going to school, walk miles each day to dip water out of rivers and streams.  They need an education and they need to know about the love of Jesus.  They need water in their communities and they need excellent schools to attend.  Most of all they need to know that God has a plan for their lives so they have a hope and a future. 

To achieve these goals, we must have the favor of God and His provision to fund these projects.  So, we are fasting and praying.

How do I Fast?

Food Fast

One Day Fast [Adults Only]:
Eat supper on Friday night (for example) and begin eating on Sunday morning.  All day Saturday, drink only water, fruit juices and vegetable broth.

Two to Three Day Fast [Adults Only]:
Two to three times per week, skip one or two meals and spend that time in prayer.

Daniel Fast [Adults Only]:
This fast comes from Daniel 1:12-17 and Daniel 10:2-3. This is for extended periods of time usually in increments of 10, 20 and up to 40 days. This website that helps explain the Daniel Fast:  www.danielfast.wordpress.com

Single Food Fast:
Give up coffee or chocolate or meat or whatever you will miss if you don’t have it.

Technology Fast

Fast from Electronics:
Give up things that will be a sacrifice for you and will remind you of why you are fasting.  An example is giving up TV or video games.  Or a couple days a week, give up texting or turn off the cell phone.   

Possessions Fast

Wants vs. Needs Fast:
Fast from non-essential purchases.  Fast from internet shopping and all forms of recreational shopping.  Only purchase essential foods.  Fast from eating out.  This is a great way to focus on God the Provider as you pray.

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