Jenna’s Story

"I grew up knowing who Jesus was. I went to church occasionally and became a Christian as a middle schooler. However, I never really took my faith very seriously. It was more like something I was doing because everyone around me was doing it. When I left home and went to college, I began partying. God was far from my mind. I lived that lifestyle until I found myself pregnant.

"I was so scared. I was 20 years old, halfway through my nursing degree and pregnant by a man who didn't love me. I remember sitting on my bathroom floor looking at those two pink lines and thinking, “I'm going to get an abortion.”

"I went to a place called Choices of the Heart in Statesboro. I told them I wanted to get an abortion. I knew my child's father wouldn't support me as a mom, and I didn’t want to give up my independence and my nursing degree. I was selfish and terrified. The counselors got me to agree to have an ultrasound. I remember the technician saying, "Congratulations, you’re pregnant." I sat there and thought this wasn’t the time for congratulations. My pregnancy wasn’t a good thing. It felt like my well-planned life was coming crashing down.

"But something changed as I lay there on that table. I saw my baby for the first time and I realized that God didn't give me right to take away life He had made. Nine months later I gave birth to a beautiful little girl.

"My boss asked me to attend Compassion Christian with her. I’ve been coming ever since that first week, and I was baptized on Easter Sunday.

"I'm a single mom but I know that God takes care of us every day. I stayed in school and now I'm two semesters away from being a qualified RN. Through this time in my life, God has taught me a lot about failure and grace. I learned that Jesus loves me even when I'm a mess. I had to hit rock bottom before I realized how loving He is. Being a mom has strengthened my relationship with Jesus so much. I went from going through the motions to being on fire for Jesus. I went from sometimes praying to praying about everything. I’ve found a relationship I never want to lose. I’ve been blessed."

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