Choose Compassion

See what happens.

Choose Compassion is our “big rock.” It’s the rally cry that calls us to make an incredible impact by showing love in simple, yet extraordinary ways each day.

Think of your life as a bucket, a bucket of time and resources. We are putting this in first, making it our priority. We are deciding to make “Choose Compassion” the big rock and then allowing all the other smaller rocks and pebbles to fill in around it. In this way we will order our lives around the big rock.


How do we choose compassion?

God made each one of us in a unique way. He gave us each gifts that are ours alone. We are urging each person in our church to become intentional about realizing how God made us to love others. Then we are hoping to follow the example of Jesus and take action, becoming channels of God’s love.

Start choosing to show compassion right where you are, wherever normal daily life takes you. Use Jesus himself as your model, resolving to show compassion in the same way He did.

“Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man." (Mark 1:41) And immediately the man was healed.

This text follows the same pattern as all the others that mention Jesus’ compassion:

  1. First, Jesus saw the man.
  2. Then He let His heart, filled with compassion, move Him to action.
  3. He took an actual step: He touched the man, and the man was healed.

What if each of us started seeing, then listening to, empathizing with, and caring for the people that God places in our path? Or even on the very edges of our path or far off it?

What if every day, all day, we decided to choose compassion and pour out God's love in ways only we can?

Perhaps something in our own hearts would catch fire when we found that one need, that one calling which we alone were made to answer. Our family, our city, our world would be changed for eternity. God would be glorified as we responded to people’s needs, and we would draw closer to Jesus, the source of our compassion.

Choose compassion. See what mighty work God is waiting to do through you and in you.

How did you choose compassion? 

We want to know how you are choosing compassion. Please tell us your experience using the form below.

If you have photos that relate to your story, please attach them.

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Do you have a story about how God has changed your life, please Share it with us.