Kiley Adam’s Compassion Project

By Jeremy and Lacy Adams

Our daughter, Kiley, was baptized in June, 2012, for her fifth birthday, just after we had started attending Compassion Christian Church. In the past year and a half, we have seen her relationship with God grow so much. Through the things she was learning in Elevate, reading her devotionals and talking with us at night, God began to show her some really awesome things.

One night, she sat up in bed after we finished talking and said, “Mom and Dad, we have such a gift … we need to share this with everyone. People need to know about Jesus; they must know!” We started praying about that together.

Just before Easter, she asked us to take her door to door in our neighborhood to tell people about Jesus.  Quite honestly, this wasn’t something we would have planted in her mind. It was completely out of our comfort zone. We prayed that God would give us a sign NOT to do it because we were so uncomfortable going up to knock on people’s doors! But as you would expect, He didn’t give us a reason not to go. Kiley went to 30 houses. She marched up to every door, Bible in hand, and asked every person whether they knew Jesus and then gave them a card to invite them to church for Easter. The look on people’s faces was priceless. I’m sure they wondered how we had trained her to do that. Little did they know it was the Holy Spirit at work.

Kiley stretched our faith by wanting to go door to door. That day, we felt the Lord show us the tiny little box we put Him in as adults. God reminded us that Kiley doesn’t have a box that she puts Him in and we shouldn’t give her ours! She sees Him as He truly is. She knows she serves a God who can do anything! So we decided we would support her however she wanted to share Christ with others, even if it was out of our comfort zone.

We had spent the last year praying for friends who had moved their family to Guatemala to share Christ, praying specifically for a project called the 12 x 12 Love Project. With just $3000, they are able to build a house for a homeless family. In August, Kiley told us that she wanted to raise money to give a home to a family in need in Guatemala. Her only requirement was “that it be for a family who didn’t have a Daddy to take care of them.” Our friends found a mom named Alba and her little boy, Edgar, who desperately needed help. Edgar’s dad didn’t stay around, so Alba works really hard to provide for them both. They were living with Alba’s brother as they had nowhere else to go, but it was a very difficult situation. Alba leaves the house at 6 a.m. and pays someone to keep Edgar while she is at work. She walks to work and doesn’t get home until 7 p.m. Most of her earnings are spent on Edgar’s childcare. Kiley couldn’t imagine anyone else she would rather raise the money for, and she wanted to raise it by Christmas. We were supportive, but being realistic we tried to explain how much time it would take to raise that much money. We honestly thought it would take at least a year.

By sending support letters, telling everyone she knew about the project and selling cookies at her daddy’s work, Kiley had raised $4000 within three months. Not only was she able to give Alba and Edgar a house; they also were provided with a bathroom, a table and chairs, beds, a wood stove, a food basket and several months’ worth of childcare costs.

We were blown away by God’s faithfulness! He used our little girl to show us that when we believe He is who He says He is and we pray expectantly, He always shows up in a HUGE way!

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