Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph

Christmas Through the Eyes of … Series

Every year the holidays bring a wide spectrum of emotions: from great loneliness and fear to immense peace and joy. It’s been that way since the beginning.

We’ve read the first Christmas story so many times, we often overlook how painful, joyful, scary even outrageous the events must have been for the people involved.

Mary, an unwed teen, found herself pregnant, and her story wasn’t exactly believable.  Her fiancé, Joseph, had to work through confusion and even anger at first. The shepherds, outsiders working on the edge of society, were terrified and then surely shocked at the unexpected love and acceptance they received when God included them.  And the wise men must have questioned their own wisdom as they followed the leading of God in their lives … in a totally unique way!

Yet the peace and joy that only Jesus could bring settled into the heart of each one, just as it can settle into ours today.